Might some of you knows, but let me tell you what are utilities that have beneath under the ground.
Nowadays, modern city life is dependent on infrastructure that is hidden under the ground. Water mains, sewers or septic facilities, gas pipelines, electrical wires and more beneath the earth to allow a cleaner and more attractive street for today’s urban dweller. Pictures below shows some of the utility that have underneath under the ground.
Picture courtesy of http://thetimes-tribune.com/
Transmission and Distribution Grid Structure within the Power Industry. Illustration on the Electricity Industry structure, starting at generation, to transmission, industrial companies, substations, distribution, retail, and lastly domestic users (houses).
Image courtesy of Transpower
When project demands high-quality land surveying, AVI instrumentation has products that will stand up to the job. AVI Instrumentation carries a wide variety of commercial-grade surveying tools including land surveying tripods, surveying bipods, planimeters, levels, auto-levels, hand levels, surveyors brush axes, land surveying markers, land surveying rods, marking machines, surveying prisms, surveying prism poles, total stations, GPS equipment, bags and cases, roll flagging, theodolites, transits, grade rods, stakes, mag nails, pk nails, magnetic locators, tribrachs and land surveying equipment adapters. Only a few types of AVI instrumentation show below.
Picture courtesy Jawantri Engineers
IDS STREAM EM is the multi channel Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) solution dedicated to utility detection and mapping works and very ideal to covering large area.For more information you can see video.
[embedplusvideo height=”320″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1d2Dhcr” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/BYxujmFWv1o?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=BYxujmFWv1o&width=450&height=320&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7880″ /]
Why utility detection and mapping so important? Before any commencement works at a construction site, it is essential for a utility detection survey to take place. By detecting and mapping the location of underground utility, companies can determine the feasibility of any sites. Utilizing modern techniques such as radio detection and ground penetrating radar (GPR) can help up company to save money and time.
Picture courtesy of wikipedia
Leica Geosystems produces products and system for surveying and geographical measurement. Its products come with a variety technologies including GPS satellite navigation. Its has many products for equipment and tools for land surveying but the picture below shows only a few of Leica equipments.
Right top: Leica Piper Pipe Lasers
Left top: Leica Builders Theodolite
Bottom Right: Leica Flexline TS09 Plus Reflectors Total Station
Bottom Left: Leica Runner 24 Automatic Levels
Picture courtesy of http://
Yes, there is a lot of advantages using this method. Advantages of Directional Drilling are:
To more information, you can see this video.
Video courtesy of http://www.directionalboring.pro/
Did you know that we can install underground utility without disturbing the surface? What technology that we can use to install underground utility?
Well, now we have Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) or as known as directional boring is an innovative trenchless technology that enables us to install underground utility without conventional open trenching. The process used to install utility services underground along the designated bore path over a distance. The process begins when a directional bore machine pushes a bore head connected to hollow pipe into the ground at an angle. As each joint of drill pipe is pushed into the ground a new one is added behind.
It is used for waterways, roadways, shore approaches, congested areas, environmentally sensitive areas and any area where other methods are more expensive. This method suitable for variety of soils conditions and pipe diameters. To more understanding, you can view the video below to get more information on how it works. This video does not belong to us, all appraisals belong to the owner.