The Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Process

Did you know that we can install underground utility without disturbing the surface? What technology that we can use to install underground utility?

Well, now we have Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) or as known as directional boring is an innovative trenchless technology that enables us to install underground utility without conventional open trenching. The process used to install utility services underground along the designated bore path over a distance. The process begins when a directional bore machine pushes a bore head connected to hollow pipe into the ground at an angle. As each joint of drill pipe is pushed into the ground a new one is added behind.

It is used for waterways, roadways, shore approaches, congested areas, environmentally sensitive areas and any area where other methods are more expensive. This method suitable for variety of soils conditions and pipe diameters. To more understanding, you can view the video below to get more information on how it works. This video does not belong to us, all appraisals belong to the owner.

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